WordPress Maintenance & Hosting

We Got This!

Via Webs offers WordPress maintenance for small businesses and individuals who prefer to handle the day-to-day but require occasional help with technical aspects. Our rollover development time lets you save unused hours for future assistance. Avoid unreliable freelancers and achieve your business goals with our affordable and reliable support.

Accumulating rollover development hours can improve your WordPress website by using them for tasks like redesigning, adding custom page templates, contact forms, and e-commerce functionality. Stay updated and optimized, with the flexibility to invest in new functionality when needed. Enhance the user experience and stay competitive with this approach.

WordPress Security

Our WordPress security starts even before your website is viewed. Cloud-based DNS protection interrupts bots and blocks known bad actors. Server-based protection is the next line of defense with managed firewalls and remotely inaccessible databases, we’ll stop the bad guys in their tracks.

We Block The Bad Actors

  • SPAM Protection – No CAPTCHA, no questions, no animal counting, no puzzles, no math, and no spambots. Universal cloud-based premium anti-spam is what we use and make available to you. Requires plugin be installed, we will provide to you, included in the cost of hosting.
  • Bot Protection (by Malcare) – The growing complexity and the number of bot attacks now contributing 40% of the traffic on the web mean that the threat has become two-fold; bot attacks stress the resources on your server and simultaneously expose WordPress security loopholes on your website. Requires plugin be installed, we will provide to you, included in the cost of hosting.
  • DDoS Attack Protection – An attack of this nature is the result of a network of “zombie” computers being used by an attacker, unbeknownst to the owners of the machines. The technical term for this network of zombie computers is a botnet. When a server is overwhelmed with these connections, legitimate connections can no longer be accepted, and the website becomes inaccessible.

We Lock Down The Filesystem

  • Don’t Be a Target – We will remove the WordPress generator meta tag version from the head sections, disable database error reporting, disable PHP error reporting, remove readme.html from the root directory, and more.
  • Monitoring – All websites are monitored through a central system allowing us to immediately mitigate any known WordPress vulnerabilities as soon as they are announced. We’ll also monitor website health, resource consumption, and more. If something crops up, we’ll most likely have it fixed before you (or your visitors) realize it.
  • Plugin, Theme, Core, and PHP Updates – We know, there’s more to it, but we do cover the basics. When available, your plugins, themes, WordPress core, and PHP version will be updated. Backups are made prior and a sampling of pages are visually compared for before and after differences. You will be notified of any update errors after the update is rolled back so we can develop a plan together.

WordPress Speed

Our WordPress speed is about your customer having an excellent experience with fast-loading pages, optimized images, and quick navigation. Internet speed still varies greatly throughout the country and even more so in the world. Don’t leave a customer behind because they are in an area that isn’t quite there yet.

Network Speed

  • Page speed is very important, faster pages are more efficient and provide a better user experience. If a page takes longer than 3 seconds to load, over a quarter of users will click away and choose a different search result per a KISS Metrics study.
  • Domain Name System – You’ll be connected to a redundant enterprise-grade authoritative DNS that is the fastest in the world, offering DNS lookup speed of 11ms on average and worldwide DNS propagation in less than five seconds. Can you say wow!
  • Content Delivery Network – You’ll be connected to an geographically distributed global network of data centers that cache static content closer to users and deliver dynamic content over the fastest and most reliable private backbone links. This is more then just installing a plugin and hoping your WordPress speed increases. It’s about full integration with our hosting.

Server Speed

  • Dedicated Servers – Your website will be hosted on Via Webs private servers. No random strangers doing unknown things on the website next door. We have a zero-tolerance policy. If you intend to do shady things, expect a conversation from us. We keep the neighborhood clean – 100%.
  • Optimized Images – Often overlooked, it can take just one inadequately optimized image to ruin your page speed. All clients will receive free bulk image compression and optimization upon migration. If need be, we can develop a plan together to manually resize, crop, and convert files types with your included rollover development credits
  • Code Minification – Code Minification comes in many forms and has many options. From being built-in with themes, utilizing separate plugins, or as a cloud solution. We’ll find the right match (or balance of) to maximize your site’s WordPress speed.

Via Webs Offers WordPress Hosting & Maintenance Services for Those That Prefer to Focus on Something Other Than the Technical Aspects

Our rollover development time lets you save unused hours for future assistance. Stay updated and optimized, with the flexibility to invest in new functionality.

WordPress Support

Great WordPress support requires understanding that every client has unique technical abilities, diverse needs, and varying preferences in terms of communication. That’s why we strive to offer tailored support that fits the specific requirements of each client and their visitors. Our team is dedicated to ensuring a seamless experience for everyone involved, and we go above and beyond to provide personalized assistance that exceeds your expectations.

Love For Your Website

  • Staging Environment – Looking to make significant changes? We can move a copy of your website to a Staging environment allowing you, ourselves, or an appointee to make changes without affecting your live website. Once ready, everything gets moved at once and no awkward “Site Under Construction” messages.
  • Themes & Plugins -We hold many agency licenses to build new features and complete re-designs for you. This is a great benefit if your website is dated and needs some love. All installs come with us setting up examples or otherwise starting the process. You are welcome to adjust and expand as needed. Try a few ideas and see what works best for you.
  • Free Migration / Transfer – One time $300 charge, paid in full at signing, receive $50 / month credit for next 6 months.

Love For You

  • Rollover Time – Our most popular service by far. Quit paying for what you don’t use if you’re not making regular changes or can do them yourself. When you need help due to technical complications or just free time, use your banked time and we’ll do it for you. Save time up for the big projects Now that’s great WordPress support!
  • Monthly Reporting – If you don’t know where your visitors are from, how many there are, and how long they stay; you soon will. All important information that allows you to make decisions about your next move. If you already have a Google Analytics account, we can add your ID to our reports for customized delivery.
  • Freedom – You will never be under a contract preventing you from leaving or incurring a penalty for doing so. You’ll get or maintain full administrator access to your website at all times. We want you to stay because we’re rocking at WordPress support, not because we’re forcing you to. Life happens, we understand, we’ll be sad if you need to go, but understand.

Frequently Asked Questions

Please reach out so we can answer yours if not listed.

Does the monthly maintenance take away from my rollover time?

Absolutely not. The rollover time is yours to save and use for services outside of the standard offering, which includes monthly maintenance. Performing updates, security monitoring, hosting, and pretty much anything related to keeping the lights on is part of the monthly maintenance.

What would not be considered monthly maintenance?

Content updates, setting up new themes or plugins, custom coding, fixing broken components, or other work done at your request. You will always know in advance if your rollover time will need to be used.

Are backups performed?

Absolutely! Backups are performed nightly, before monthly maintenance begins, or we do any work.

What page builders do you use?

We’ve fallen in love with Elementor and Divi but are also familiar with Gutenberg, Beaver Builder, Visual Composer, and others.

Do you offer email?

Yes. Each plan comes with at least 1 email account and more can be added. You can also use (or continue to use) G Suite, Office 365, or other 3rd party cloud solutions.

Can I use my own DNS?

If you prefer to, yes. But to get the best performance, we recommend using our CDN integrated DNS (no charge) and Nameservers.

What if I go over any of my limits?

It happens, no worries, initially we’ll just monitor. It could be due to a promotion, holiday shopping, or a post that went viral. If you’re still rocking increased traffic (which is good) after 3 months, we’ll reach out regarding a better fitting plan. We have your back though, the same is true if you’re on a higher plan than you need, we’ll recommend you move down.

What if I don’t have any analytics currently?

We will set up a new Google Analytics account for you and grant you access to it. Knowledge is power!

Maintenance & Hosting Plans

Security, Speed, and Support.

Maintenance 10

Ideal for the occasional changes

Maintenance 20

Ideal for routine changes.

Maintenance 35

Ideal for frequent changes.

Maintenance 50

Ideal for full agency support.

Let's Get Started!